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Sarah Curry

Interview: "Remember" by Chantaé Vetrice

Q: ‘Remember’ is so catchy! What inspired you to write this song?

Chantaé: This song is very personal to me as it tells a part of my story/journey through life. A moment in time that was very dark for me and where I experienced a lot of pain by another person. The beautiful thing is that I was able to find the light throughout all of the darkness and became stronger and the person I am right now. It’s a song about overcoming, not just heartbreak and sadness.

Q: When did you first start writing your own music?

Chantaé: I first started writing my own music when I was a teenager…writing lyrics, etc but I’ve been in the came, professionally, for a minute!

Q: Who are some of your biggest influences?

Chantaé: Some of my biggest influences are Madonna, Prince, Janet Jackson, TLC & Saint Jhn.

Q: What was the experience filming the video for ‘Remember” like?

Chantaé: It was one of the best experiences of my career so far because I not only got to finally see my story retold, visually, but it was a bit therapeutic for me. I definitely had moments while filming where I felt like I wanted to cry because of how deep the message is. Outside of that, it was a 10 hour day and I had the best team on set with me! They all came together to support the vision and bring it to life…I’m forever grateful!

Q: If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?

Chantaé: I would loooooooove to open up for Saint Jhn! To me, he is a true artist and creative…I love how he blends genres and how rock-n-roll is he while maintaining his unique identity!I hope one day he sees this lol.

Q: What can we expect next from you in your music journey?

Chantaé: More music all year long! I’m also gearing up for live music so, be on the look out for dates! Last but not least, I have a merch line that is about to drop…so, stay tuned! ;-)

Written By Sarah Curry



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