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Lauren Nolan

Review: "Somebody Who's Not Me" - Chloé Sautereau

Singer-songwriter Chloé Sautereau's artist mantra is "if you're feeling it, someone else is feeling it too." It's her bio on her YouTube and Spotify pages. This phrase encapsulates Sautereau's newest single, "Somebody Who's Not Me," an earnest, relatable cut about struggling with self-doubt and confidence. When discussing the thought process behind the track, Sautereau says it poured out of her. "'Somebody Who's Not Me' came to me in a moment of true vulnerability, questioning, and introspection. A moment where I felt stuck, unsure where to look, where to go, or if I was capable of what I was after." It's a universal sentiment that the track perfectly captures. That confusing and troublesome time in young adults' lives when they are too young to know who they are yet old enough to be expected to--all the while still facing issues of self-questioning, social anxiety, and body image. "Somebody Who's Not Me," balances these complex and multi-faceted sentiments to create an honest and cathartic ballad.

Where Chloé shines as an artist is in her lyricism. "Somebody Who's Not Me" is a delicate acoustic cut that allows her words to take center stage. She is a heartfelt writer with a willingness to be open. Sautereau stated that the track "has the kind of honesty that I think I had never dared to have with myself." This openness gave way to lines like "Some nights I love myself in the mirror / forget I'd wish I was thinner / or less hairy / or more curvy." It is refreshing to hear such a directly candid sentiment expressed. The singer unleashes feelings that so many deal with in a deeply personal yet accessible way. Combining sharp lyricism with a gentle, pillowy voice makes "Somebody Who's Not Me" a reassuring track. Sautereau has a strong writer's voice that comforts listeners into knowing they are not alone.

Chloé Sautereau is a Swiss-born singer-songwriter who currently resides in New York. An avid guitar player since she was only eight, Sautereau now focuses on making acoustic guitar-based ballads. She focuses on narrative lyricism, which touches on ubiquitous human experiences, like emotional turmoil, relationship issues, and not knowing how to navigate life's confusing ups and downs. Under the name "Cee," her first EP, "As I Keep on Dreaming," debuted in 2019. This was before the singer went by her last name, Sautereau, in 2021, where she released singles "What If" and "Conversation Hearts." The two tracks have amassed a combined total of over 13,000 streams on Spotify. Currently going by her real name, Chloé Sautereau has put out two other ballads this year, "Get to Know You Game" and "Ten Thousand Stories," and she plans on releasing more. Her entire discography is available to listen to on streaming services now.

Written By Lauren Nolan



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