Congratulations on the release of your new incredible single “I Think I’m Ready For Love”!!! How did you use the experiences in your own love life to create this amazing new song?
Andrew: Thank you, I really appreciate that!! The tune came to me one day when I was driving. The first words that came out were “I think I’m ready for love!”. I thought to myself, “wow, why did those words come to me?!?” I started to reflect on my recent past and my fancy free, single guy, bachelor commitment-phobe lifestyle and it hit me! I think I’m ready for love.
I know you are a self-taught musician and songwriter, which is so unbelievably impressive by the way! Can you take us through that journey, such as how you started and what you learned first?
Andrew: I grew-up with a player piano, and I would hear a song I liked, go up to the piano, and just start poking at keys until it sounded like that song. When I was 5 years old, I realized that singing was something I might be good at when my choir teacher chose me to sing a solo in our school's annual concert. In middle school I got a keyboard for Christmas, and I started creating my own tunes, and writing my own lyrics. I was in love with pop music, and I wanted to give to the world what my favorite pop artists were giving to me.
I need to know more about the EP you recorded that was never released! Can you share what happened?
Andrew: Hahaha! Ohhhh the EP with no name. I made it when I was 20 years old, I had just moved to LA, I had no idea what my identity was, and neither did the songs I created, so I experimented hardcore with sound, and recorded two songs with hip-hop beats, a song that leaned towards bubblegum pop, a song with a 60’s surfer guitar, and one very touching, but slightly cheesy, ballad. What makes it even better is imagining me as I was then, all skin-and-bones, with a goatee, wearing skin tight jeans, and singing these songs. It’s was quite a sight to behold.
I could not wipe the smile off my face while watching your music video for your new single!! You were for sure giving Britney hahahah!! What was your experience like making this video and where did the idea come from?
Andrew: And now I can’t wipe the smile off my face! “You were for sure giving Britney” will be what is written on my tombstone. Shooting the video was a lot of fun, but it was a hot summer day, and the room we were in was sweltering because there was no air-conditioning or fans, so between takes we had to dry ourselves off from all the sweat. Creating music videos is a lot of fun and it gives me an opportunity to express a different part of my creativity. I was trying to come up with a concept that was simple, creative, and something that could easily be recognized. After throwing around a few ideas, the image of me dancing with a heart just appeared in my head, and that image wouldn’t go away. I thought, if I can’t shake this idea, then it must be the right one. So I found myself a heart costume, a nice blue suit, a choreographer, and voila!
I am a Walt Disney World Cast Member myself who also frequents Disneyland, so I have to know… what’s your favorite Disneyland or DCA snack?!
Andrew: Oh really! That’s fantastic, I always wanted to part of the Disney team. Maybe one day! Disneyland is my happy place. It’s impossible for me to pick one snack at Disneyland but the three that I have each time I’m there without fail are; the corndog, the churro, and the Nestle Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bar. I usually make room for two Nestle Mickey’s Premium Ice Cream Bars…or three.
What else can we expect from your upcoming EP “Pep Talk”?! After this new song, I cannot WAIT to give it a listen!!
Andrew: My EP “Pep Talk” will have more upbeat, 80s inspired pop songs that are just meant to put a smile on your face and a beat in your step. My next single from the EP is set for release later this year, and the music video has already been shot. I’m sure that everyone will be pleased to see that the Love Heart makes another appearance! I’m really excited for everyone to hear this song. I’d also like to say a big thank you to Pop Passion Blog. It’s a great resource for artists, and I’m so grateful for you and all your subscribers.
Interviewed By Sarah Curry