What life event inspired "I Tried"? What did you learn from it?
Leon: "I tried" is not really inspired by one event, but by multiple. All those times in life when you need to give up because there is a different path for you to follow.
You are a young artist who began performing at the age of 4 by going up to adults at the playground and singing for them, now you are 15 and have done live shows, as someone who started at such a young age what do you think 4 year old you would think of yourself today?
Leon: I think 4 year old me would be proud of the well rounded musician, producer, songwriter, and performer I’ve become. I’ve improved in every aspect of myself.
You have Synesthesia, a phenomenon that causes you to be able to see colors when you hear music, what colors did you see when composing this song? Overall how has synesthesia affected and inspired your songwriting?
Leon: Synesthesia gives color, feeling, and life to music I listen to and write. With "I tried" I put myself in that feeling of ok I tried and it didn’t work out.
You’ve been performing almost your whole life, where is your dream place to perform?
Leon: I don’t really have a dream place to perform, my goal is to travel the world performing for crowds that appreciate my music.

On your website leonvincentmusic.com under the videos tab, I found a video of you doing different covers from "Piano Man" by Billy Joel to "What’s Up?" by 4 Non-Blondes. What about these older classics do you like? Is there different elements from these songs and others that you would want to implement into your own music?
Leon: These older songs are great for live performances because everybody knows them, I like the feel of these songs and maybe one day I’ll implement some styles from them but for right now I’m just going to keep writing what comes out of me.
As a young songwriter who is slowly finding themselves as they grow up, what is the biggest lesson that you have learned throughout this whole process and how are you hoping to grow as an artist?
Leon: I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is practice, practice, practice, is power. The more you practice the more confident you become which creates an overall better show. I hope to one day inspire many people with my music. Right now I am producing several new ones again and I’m excited to see how people like those. They will be available for streaming soon and want to have a new album ready by summer!
Interviewed By Sophia E. Henry