Q: Congratulations on the release of ‘November !’! What was the inspiration behind this track?
Gauri: Thank you so much I am glad I was finally able to release this song.
This all is very special to me since I am able to come out as a bisexual being through this song. Basically I got my heart broken by a girl and I never knew loving same gender could be such a perfect balance of happiness and sadness, dealing with my own emotions and suppressing them for a long time and at the same time having the best experience of making memories with person I'd see my lover and a best friend in has inspired me to write November!. If I could turn back time I'd definitely work out with my own emotions and I'd be more free that's the message of the whole song. But again love is a balance of holding on and letting go, so the same applies here too.
Q: When did you know you wanted to pursue music?
Gauri: Music has always been a part of me since I was a kid, however due to external circumstances I wasn't quite sure about music till I turned 13. I have been doing different kinds of jobs and education completely off of the topic of music and then I realised this is not something my heart beats for. By the time I turned 18 I became absolutely sure music is something I wish to do for the rest of my life because it gives me purpose and I never get tired of it. So yes right now I am pursuing music the way music has been pursuing me and will continue to do .
Q: Who are some of your biggest influences?
Gauri: They have changed according to the time and age to be honest. As of now they're George Harrison, Roger Waters, Jimmy Hendrix and Janis Joplin.
I love these guys very much and they've been influencing me to write songs which have deeper meanings and melodies.
Q: If you could swap bodies with any artist for a day, who would you pick and why?
Gauri: If I could do that I think it'd be Jacob Collier. Amazing artist, I feel he can make the notes speak through any instrument. The talent he holds for arrangements and orchestral music is absolutely beyond this world, I'd definitely grasp all his knowledge and be more musical and friendly with notes and overall music theory.

Q: What impact has music had on your life?
Gauri: Music has taught me to be the real me. Allowing myself to feel any kind of emotions and releasing them with a proper guidance of music. Moreover, I have a different playlist for any kinds of events I create for myself in my day to day life whether it's feeling of love, frustration, motivation, having fun, dancing and all kinds of stuff we do. So for each event music has to be there, it's like my mental therapy and my meditation centre where I become nothing yet everything. It helps me transcend duality and become one with everything and shows me what oneness is like.
Q: What can we expect next from you?
Gauri: I have plans of releasing songs each month, and every song will be having different concepts of stories and mainly focusing on inner growth and becoming an empath, getting out of the matrix and getting to know who we really are if we go deeper in search of our soul. So I am super excited to see how people will be grasping my songs with each release each month. I personally learnt a lot while writing them and so will the listeners I believe.
Written By Sarah Curry