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Tessa Brainard

Interview: "Solo" - Fran Minney

The lyrics of "Solo" are so inspiring and relatable. What was your favorite aspect of writing this song?

Fran: Thank you! I think my favourite aspect was writing the line “I think I’ll just keep feeling golden” - it just felt like a really good fit but almost TOO good to the point when I looked it up to make sure I wasn’t stealing it from anyone haha. Overall it’s just made me feel really good to write a song that keeps me uplifted and can do the same for other people too.

What advice would you have for your listeners who may be struggling to find their "solo" identities?

Fran: Take yourself out on dates. It doesn’t have to be expensive if you don’t have much money to work with, but just make sure to make time for yourself to do fun things. Take yourself on nice walks, out for coffee, on days out to beautiful places. Don’t wait to be in a relationship to do everything you’ve wanted and give yourself the love you’ve been waiting for right now.

"Solo" is the first single from your new EP "Conversations with Ground." What can listeners expect from this upcoming release?

Fran: I would say to expect the unexpected. I’ve really pushed myself in terms of production and also the topics I’m covering in this EP. It lays out a journey from being in an abusive relationship, the anger and helplessness in the aftermath of that, followed by the desire for revenge and finally the growing into an acceptance and joy that is reflected in Solo.

I saw on your YouTube channel that you have posted a lot of covers over the years. Who is your biggest musical inspiration?

Fran: Although I haven’t actually done any covers of her work, I’d have to say Regina Spektor. I love her willingness to tell stories in so many different ways and to be so honest in her lyrics - the way sometimes she’ll lay it all out for you plain as day and leave it mysterious at others. She’s such a unique and wonderful artist.

When did you know you wanted to be an artist?

Fran: It’s hard to truly pin it down but I have always adored singing, even before I was any good at it. I started writing songs in my early teens (not particularly successfully) but knew that I wanted to do it. It just took me a while to have the courage!

If you could talk to your younger self, what would you tell her?

Fran: I would tell her to sleep more! And to put herself first. We all deserve to be taken care of beautifully, especially by ourselves.

Interviewed By Tessa Brainard



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