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"Just Enough Whiskey" by Nightshift

Kaitlyn Nicole

Have you ever screwed up in a social situation and instantly regretted it? Maybe you try to suppress those memories, but they just keep engulfing you. The “what ifs” pop into your headspace and beg the question of what could have been. ‘Just Enough Whiskey’ by Nightshift presents an opportunity to process those memories and release yourself from the cycle of persistent thoughts. “I’ve been going home with just enough whiskey; making me forget that maybe you miss me". Protect your energy and stay present! That’s the underlying message. You genuinely don’t know what anyone else is thinking, so take care of yourself first!

“I wonder sometimes if you would forgive me; I could reach out but nah, it’s too risky”. There’s this gratifying aura of contemplation that mimics the push-and-pull of internal conflict. The Electronic-style production lives in the background and illustrates the illusive nature of the past. As a result, the lyrics thrive. “I’ll see your ghost tonight; it happens every time”. Mellow, breathy vocals echo the "ghosts” of the past that can’t seem to disappear. It’s a magnificent move that gives the overthinkers and introverts the recognition they deserve!

Dan and Steve Kennelly are the masterminds behind Nightshift. Based out of Columbus, OH, the brothers started out as a local cover band in their hometown. After doing electro-rock covers of Billie Eilish and The Weeknd, they started working on their first single, ‘Butterflies’ with Quiggle, who had a large social media presence. With the music video racking more than 35,000 views, the collaboration brought Nightshift further into the music scene. Now, they’re known for creating pop-rock melodies and heartfelt lyrics with a refreshing, modern production. The electro-pop duo's latest single ‘Deja Vu’ with KAKI is now streaming so go check it out!

Written By Kevin Rodriguez


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