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  • Mia Chavez

Review: "Anything Else?" - Jack Towns

Jack Towns Anything Else? Cover Art

Jack Towns releases his debut single, “Anything Else?”, a gleeful musical that bursts with charm and charisma, dotting the music scene with a welcoming newness. Playful and delightfully fun, “Anything Else?” feels like dancing on a stage and kicking your feet in the air, giddy with joy. Decorated with an addictively bouncy rhythm and infectiously danceable melody, the single is a parade of jazz sessions, drum rolls, and chirpy piano notes. Jack dances around a sore situation of a person having misplaced love for a certain someone who can't give them what they ultimately want in the relationship. “Find someone else to talk to,” Jack sings, “my time it ain't all for you / I'm trying to be nice, but I'm walking on thin ice.” The carefree tune questions the person's interest and though Jack wants to walk away, he can't seem to say goodbye. Jack musically puts an amusing twist on the topic of a relationship that needs to end, questioning why he still finds himself wanting to "try" for the sake of the relationship.

“Anything Else?” is a lively show in which Jack captures his audience with panache and a flourish in his vocality and groove, on a stage meant just for him. The tune is kidlike, adding to its animated melody with springy piano notes and matching zestful voice. Jack’s tone is hopeful and filled with wonder and curiosity at different points in the song's buildup toward the jazzy breakout choruses. Following, tambourines, electric strings, muted drums, cymbals, and more, “Anything Else?” is instrumentally colorful and bright. With the song's highly energized feel, the arrangement of instruments brings forth a foot-tapping melody in a happy-go-lucky scene. Enthusiastic and confident, the song radiates with personality and a unique flare embellished by each note and beat. A celebration of a song, “Anything Else?” needs nothing else, as it throws a party and lights every corner with a light-hearted air.

Releasing his first single, “Anything Else?”, as a solo artist, Jack Towns comes forward as an already seasoned songwriter and recording artist at 19. At the age of six, Jack began playing piano and over the years began experimenting with other instruments and his vocal style. From upstate New York, Jack previously performed as a keyboardist in the Utica NY-based teen indie pop-rock band Filled to the Brim. The band formed out of a local summer rock camp when Jack was 13. Since then, the artist has performed live covers of classic rock hits, and the band's original songs off their two full indie pop-rock albums. The singer-songwriter is recognized for his vocals and lyrical talent on the band's two most popular songs, “Snow in June,” and “I'm Alright.” After spending five years with the group, Jack decided to embark on his solo musical journey while being a current full-time college student in upstate New York. Check out the debut hit single below!

Written By Mia Chavez


*Sponsored Post - Discovered on Musosoup. A contribution was made to help create this article.


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