Think of all of the things you did at a young age. You blasted your music through the neighborhood, you fell in love for the first time, you tried things for the first time. The beauty in those moments seems to fade away the older you get, as Petit Mond. discusses in her new track "Blueberry Clouds." Mond. goes through the cycle of highs and lows as we discover our past and how that helped us mature.
The track is a piano ballad, which builds using the sound of strings swelling low under the piano and Mond.'s delicate vocals. The lyrics find Mond. looking back at youth, and finding bliss in the moments through the present tense, "We grew up for today // Have a beer on Saturday // Create unhealthy routines // Because we are teens." She even discusses a past relationship that seems to have more adult undertones, "We never sleep at night // We kiss and then we'd fight." The most interesting part the track is the change in the way Mond. is delivering the story, as she switches the line "we are young," to "we were young." Showing she's looking back on these experiences and having a different outlook on them. The track feels like a lament to losing a piece of innocence.
Petit Mond. is an unique new pop artist, with "Blueberry Clouds" being her first single. Mond.'s delicate but powerful vocals showcase her talent as a bright new star. Mond. posts frequently on Instagram, but without caption leaving mystery surrounding her. She is one that deserves to be on your immediate radar.
Written By Kyle Stiver