Choose self-love over heartbreak and enjoy Ainsley Costello's motivating anthem "Exless". This uplifting track understands that rushing into relationships can lead to unnecessary hurt, especially when you can feel fulfilled while staying single. The speaker of this song is fueled by self-esteem, sounding like a logical friend pointing out the emotional labor that you just can't seem to notice yourself. Rejecting the stigma of being alone, this song asks bold rhetorical questions like "am I wrong in thinking heartbreak doesn’t sound too fun?" Whether you need some affirmation that staying single is the right choice for you, or some inspiration to take a break from looking for love to focus on yourself, "Exless" is here to lift you up.
Bright electric guitar and energizing drums open the track with a catchy pattern before Ainsley's vocals expressively join in the mix. Her voice playfully works through the verse, with an alternating stress pattern artfully emphasizing the lyrics. Get swept up in the liberating sound of Ainsley's smooth singing highly projecting through the chorus as the guitar and percussion compliment the excitement in the vocals. As Ainsley spells out the title of the song to punctuate the chorus, a vocal layer of a cheer joins in, offering a vibrant and freeing feeling. With silky high singing through the bridge and an overall exciting charisma, this song will unlock feelings of self-love and empowerment with its sound.
Ainsley Costello is a pop-rock musician based in Nashville. A graduate of Berklee College of Music, Ainsley has thrived in the environment of music technology and has released over twenty singles. She has performed across the United States, with over 200 shows offering audiences uplifting messages and a bold, invigorating sound. Having partnered with industry technology brands including Fountain.FM, Wavlake, and TrueFans.FM, Ainsley has truly thrived in the digital era of music. Keep an eye out for her upcoming performances across the US and in the UK. Check out the links below to listen to her debut album Exless and keep up with her music.
Written By Hanna Kowal
*Sponsored Post - Discovered on Musosoup. A contribution was made to help create this article.