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Kaitlyn Nicole

Review: "Forgot You Yesterday" - Gianna Mae

Gianna Mae’s “Forgot You Yesterday” is a striking piece about betrayal and manipulation in a toxic relationship. The impenitent tone can be heard from start to finish, creating for the ultimate break-up song. “Forgot You Yesterday” is showered in wordplay and literary expressions that best convey the anger, disappointment, and defiance found throughout the song. Gianna Mae has the potential to dominate the pop genre with not only her vocals, but her songwriting skills, as well. Mark our words, everyone will be talking about this young, talented singer in the near future.

Mae’s voice is heavenly and ethereal. The beginning of the song could nearly be mistaken for a choir sung sweetly in an empty cathedral. Gianna Mae’s soprano vocal-range is similar to that of Ariana Grande or singer Soo-Hyang; which alone is impressive. Merely 30 seconds into the song, listeners are completely swept by a swift change in melody, and in the overall tone of the piece. From elegant to menacing, “Forgot You Yesterday” demands attention and passionately tells a story about losing trust in someone; turning your back on them completely, with absolutely no room for remorse or reconciliation. Singer Gianna Mae does a phenomenal job expressing what many of us think deep down inside. The bold exuberance found in “Forgot You Yesterday” is enough to send chills down your vertebrae. A clear example of this would be from the lines: And in a perfect world / My guard will be down and I wouldn't think twice / No one would stab me in the back and claim /I walked into their knife.

Gianna Mae is an up-and-coming independent artist from Illinois. With an expressive, experimental, yet bubbly personality, this rising star was meant for the spotlight! Not only is Mae passionate in singing, but songwriting, as well. The singer has an interest in writing about her emotions and other relatable issues most teenagers go through. Gianna Mae is an artist for the new and current generation as she beautifully shares her stories with others alike. Best of luck to this talented artist! Follow her social medias below.

Written By: Kasey D.



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