“Greatness”, Olive Louise’s latest release, is an intimidating spectacle of skill, both in persona and artistry. The song is centered around a manipulative conversation in which Olive convinces her subject as well as the listener of her stated greatness. But, she proves this greatness with the piece’s existence in itself. Her convincing of greatness appears to be a falsity, and yet the way in which she states it and her talent appearing in the music confirm it to be true. It’s confident and illustrious, a siren song which immediately calls the listener in. “Greatness” is a perfect first listen, a piece advertising not only her skill but herself.
The song begins with a mischievous, gloomy beat which invites in the listener nearly as much as her words. It’s jazzy and seductive, an unlabeled genre which allows Olive freedom to compose around it. When she begins singing, the music pauses for a moment, allowing her the center stage her lyrics tell she’s earned. Those instrumentals change their course after her first vocals, intensifying, and following her singing. Each element of “Greatness” is unique, with her backgrounds being carefully curated to add to the atmosphere she creates. Every piece falls together beautifully and inventively.
Olive Louise is a singer and songwriter hailing originally from New York. Her classical yet unique approach to her music was found first in her childhood there, where her mother taught her violin as well as piano from early on. Her interest was peaked in these lessons, but her independent exploration of music began in her attendance of Interlochen in Michigan, a boarding school. There, she studied opera, finding her voice both in class and in her free time following it, when she would use the practice rooms to write the first of her original songs. She’s been releasing original pieces since 2019, garnering a following with each, which can be found below as well as updates on what’s to come.
Written By Hailey Schap