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Tessa Maddaloni

Review: "Kansas" - 44phantom

44phantom Kansas Cover Art

In an exciting new single, 44phantom keeps listeners on the edge of their seats after his recent EP release. Titled “Kansas”, the song is certainly 44phantom’s classic sound of grunge-pop: heavily distorted guitars and an angsty, emotive tone in his voice. Whether or not you’ve ever been to Kansas (if the title is even truly referencing the state), you can find yourself in this track. The lyrics reference ‘Kansas’ as something the people sung about purposely never discuss. A topic that clearly holds pain and turmoil from their past, and something that they have grown through and survived. Whether the pair is a romantic couple, two family members, or simply two friends, they have been able to put Kansas behind them and move forward, better now because of it.

44phantom has crafted extremely interesting lyrics with this single, seemingly describing multiple vignettes, connected by the main character having the same thoughts about this mysterious ‘Kansas’ trope. The first verse is as follows: “You got me from the parking lot on Tuesday / Sober like you'd never been before / Burning quiet fast with conversations / But we don't mention Kansas anymore.” True to his words, the artist doesn’t reveal what Kansas is, only that throughout multiple different experiences it is never mentioned. The first two verses are simplistic in their vocals, yet heavily emotive and full of pain. The bridge, placed between the third verse and the chorus, is simply vocalizations. This move is simplistic and yet brings so much emotion to the track, potentially giving a look into what ‘Kansas’ made 44phantom feel.

Born and raised in Oklahoma, yet currently residing in Los Angeles, Brayton Matthews has found an outlet in his alter-ego 44phantom. He states that the term “grunge-pop” was coined around his music. He created his pen name as a reference to his late second cousin, and a connection to his family’s ties with the number 44. He uses his career as a way to speak freely about his emotions and his mental health, as so many artists of his genre do. He recently released an EP titled “die sometime, its good for you”. He has explained that the title is making light of the jokes he has made about himself and his mental health. Make sure to follow the social medias below to stay tuned for more music from 44phantom.

Written By Tessa Maddaloni



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