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Review: "Low" - myles.

Kaitlyn Nicole

Time apart makes the heart grow fonder. Well, at least that's what they say. But when the other person seems to be doing just great without you, it can also make the heart sink like a brick. That is the thorny core of singer-songwriter myles. melancholic single, "Low." The song clicks into place with sparse snaps and gentle, but terse, guitar picking. Myles. stunning vocals are positioned intimately in the mix, showcasing his impressive command of his instrument. As the instrumental opens up into lushly-produced pop, "Low" paints itself into a brilliantly blue portrait. For as somber as the vibes are, capturing soul-crushing emotion, Myles. keeps the song afloat with a trip-hop beat and catchy songwriting. He never turns away from the sorrow fueling "Low," but there's undeniable warmth in its buoyancy.

When Myles. repeats "I've been low," in the chorus, it's hard to think of a better expression for it. That's because he does such an exceptional job setting mood with the sound and providing specificity in verse. "Lately you've been doing so amazing, / while I can't seem to get myself to move." The directness of his words can feel chillingly private, like we aren't meant to hear. Isolation, reminiscing on memories, and the desire to drink all fill the space with darker shades of sadness, contrasting stunningly against other moments of levity. "I know it seems dramatic, but I hate this," he remarks with either a grimace or a sigh. Sometimes, connecting with your experience just means directly expressing it in whatever shades feel honest.

Myles. is a singer, songwriter, and producer in Sydney, Australia, though born and raised in Western Australia. From a young age, music has been a central part of his life, between performing in local pubs and festivals as singer and drummer in his family's band. As a multi-instrumentalist, Myles. is able to express his art from a broad variety of genres and styles. "Low." is Myles. second, official single. Prior single, "black & blue" fashioned dance-pop with a similarly wide-ranging palette to "Low." This single arrives as the first of a collection hopefully releasing throughout the 2023 year. His relative anonymity and broad genre interests make Myles. a particularly exciting artist to keep eyes out for!

Written By Andy Mockbee

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