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  • Kaitlyn Nicole

Review: "Nicotine" - Ghost Weather

Ghost Weather Nicotine Cover Art

Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical drug that releases the "happy hormone", dopamine, and a small rush of adrenaline when it enters your body; and when I say it's highly addictive, I mean it's highly addictive. In Ghost Weather's latest single, he compares the feeling of someone's touch to nicotine in the sense that his attraction to them is so strong that he just cannot get enough of them. He drew inspiration from his own personal struggles with addiction, and how the person he was seeing at the time made him feel the same way that nicotine did. He claims after realizing this comparison, "the hook basically wrote itself".

Written, recorded, and produced completely solo in his former, rat infested apartment, "Nicotine" was a challenge that Ghost Weather was willing to take on. He says he purposely left some rat scratching noises in there, so if you listen hard enough you might just hear them! "Nicotine" is such a catchy, trippy electronic pop song that really showcases what Ghost Weather is all about - purely independent and honest talent. The heavy drums get you moving and the psychedelic mixture of synths put the story right into picture perfect view. Not to mention Ghost Weather's ear-pleasing voice which ties the whole song together, making it a radio-worthy track and a perfect Summer jam. Funny enough, the hook is quite addicting; it's easy to remember, and I guarantee it'll be stuck in your head after your first listen.

Ghost Weather, also known as Michael Heller, is an independent, indie pop / electronic singer-songwriter, guitarist, sound designer and producer based in Boston, Massachusetts. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Ghost Weather started his musical journey at a very young age, becoming at recording artist at only 13. He is currently studying electronic production and sound design at Berklee College of Music. He is inspired by artists like Twenty-One Pilots, Owl City and The Neighbourhood. He takes great pride in working independently as he writes, records, produces, mixes and masters all his own songs. Ghost Weather also released another single this year titled "Tab", so if you enjoyed "Nicotine" I highly suggest checking out that song as well!

Written By Kaitlyn Nicole


*Sponsored Post - Discovered on Musosoup. A contribution was made to help create this article.


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