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Hanna Kowal

Review: "Parking Lot" - Emma Teufel

Parking Lot by Emma Teufel Cover Art

Rage, devastation, and honesty flood listener’s ears in Emma Teufel’s new release, “Parking Lot”. The song is a message to a person who strung the speaker along, teetering on that tricky line between friend and relationship by offering misleading actions and words. It’s a disillusioning feeling when someone you thought was interested in you ended up being greedily deceiving. This song stands in solidarity of all the people who put effort, time, emotion, and dedication into a person only to be wrong about their true intentions. The lyrics amplify the greed that led to betrayal, saying “you were climbing high, you wanted more, you craved the rush of winning wars”. Portraying the idea that the speaker was merely collateral damage in the person’s pursuit of success, these words hit like a gut punch. The chorus repeats “I tried, for what?” A question like this fuels listeners with the devastation that comes from wasting your time and emotional dedication only to be left feeling used.

With vocals that explore a beautiful range of sound and expression, and an acoustic instrumental vibe that brings a light and entrancing feel to the song, “Parking Lot” is an expressive track that keeps you listening on the edge of your seat. Emma’s expressive voice moves from a softer, vulnerable sound to gliding through passionate high notes, then onto a rage-fuelled gravelly projection. Gentle guitar opens the song along with the vocals, before a light and glowing note repeats, like a percussive twinkle through the song. As the lyrics flood the vocals with a reflective anger, drums add force to the emotion. In the chorus, Emma’s voice soars melismatically through her emotional statements, bringing in a high note for the question, “for what?” The song breaks through its glowy and mellow background, and gaining a grungy and electronic force at the end of the song, the instrumentals give power to the accusation in the questioning lyrics.

Emma Tuefel is an American musician who grew up engaging with creativity in many ways. At the age of 15, she wrote, directed, and produced an original short film. In high school, she explored fashion design, which seemed to gravitate towards the musical side of fashion. For Emma, music wasn’t always the clear-cut path or goal she dreamed of, but it always held a special presence. With some maternal encouragement, Emma pursued vocal training and fell in love with writing and performing music. At the heart of her craft is love and connection, and you can genuinely feel that passion in her music. Click on the links below to keep up to date with Emma!

Written By Hanna Kowal



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