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Megan Cao

Review: "Spiders" - Ellysse Mason

“Spiders” is a spooky-themed break up rock jam about gradually realizing all of the things you can’t stand from your partner now that they’re gone. The charismatic and ironic chorus of “I want to cover you in spiders and throw you down the stairs, just so you won’t ask me if I still really care” grabs ahold of Ellysse’s emotions, poking fun at her in-the-moment anger and writing all too relatable tongue-in-cheek lines about the frustration and anger and I’m-better-off-without-him mindset. “Spiders” takes ahold of your pettiness and encourages you to let it all out; of course the ideas are outlandish, but it’s still cathartic, still a release of overwhelming emotions.

Mason captures some of her darkest thoughts relatably with clever penmanship and open-book insight into her own head. It’s tough to navigate through the messy loss of someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, but Mason does it in style, speaking up on her darkest thoughts as a way of reassuring others that these moments of rage are at the end of the day, just moments of rage, and while the feelings are valid, acting on moments of rage is not. There’s nothing wrong with feeling whatever you’re feeling, but acting on these feelings is where it becomes wrong.

Born and raised in Manchester, Ellysse Mason holds up true northern grit, capturing the nostalgic sounds of the 90s, with crunch guitars and the bittersweet taste of indie-pop. As her soundscape perfectly captures her captivating vocals, Mason’s songs are irreplaceable and unapologetic, conveying her own struggles through a new lens. Supporting artists like Tom Walker, Sam Ryder, Patrick Droney, and Fickle Friends, she’s begun to reach huge audiences and sells out headline shows at The Deaf Institute, Band On The Wall, and Manchester Academy 3, also appearing at festivals like Kendal Calling and 110 Above.

Written By Megan Cao


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