Walking on a tightrope is a challenging and dangerous feat that only the most skilled are able to do. Sometimes, going through difficult times in life feels as though you are walking on a tightrope for the first time without any prior training. This feeling is perfectly explained in "Tightrope", the newest single from Jasmine Crowe. She compares nearly falling off the metaphorical tightrope to being "closer to the edge", and trying to stay on to trying not to breakdown and crumble under pressure. The anxiety she is experiencing is isolating, saying its only up to her to overcome what she is going through, or to get to the other end of the tightrope.
"Tightrope" is an immersive pop song, surrounded by a trap beat with reversed claps. When you listen to it, you feel as though you are at the circus, with accompanying sound effects. The production contains elements of piano and strings throughout, and notes from a trumpet fill the sound during the chorus, which are pitched down to make the listener know that this is not an ordinary circus, but instead is symbolic of what Crowe is going through. Also featured in "Tightrope" is fortifying bass and Crowe's incredible vocals, harmonizing and changing octaves during different parts of the song.
Jasmine Crowe is a musician based in Los Angeles, California and is originally from Hawaii. Her love of music started from a young age, and she taught herself how to play different instruments and produce music. She started performing live soon after. Since then, she has received many accolades, including multiple awards from the California Music Video Awards. Also, music legend Ringo Starr awarded her Grand Prize Winner for the John Lennon Song Contest. She released her debut single "Supernova" in 2014 and her debut album Symptoms in 2019. Jasmine Crowe is an amazing multitalented musician!
Written By Ashley Adams