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  • Rosalyn Sanchez

Review: "Welcome Back Girl" - Piper Connolly

Piper Connolly Welcome Back Girl Cover Art

Retaliation after being woefully suppressed due to painful plights and predicaments feels like a breath of fresh air– replenishing our lungs with the source of needed oxygen that invigorates us. It’s like acknowledging ourselves after months of being unable to recognize ourselves for our worth and true identity, which was repressed and concealed in the daunting shadows of arbitrary expectations that compel us to behave accordingly. To follow the standards others have established. Akin to a long-awaited crescendo of a song, the immense relief and triumph we feel is insurmountable. “Welcome Back Girl” by Piper Connolly depicts a similar situation in the form of an empowering song that skillfully tells an emotive story that many listeners can relate to. With strengthening lyrics like “watch me I’ll write my own fable” and “I can break the mold”. It’s enough to invigorate the listeners with a sense of self-love and worthiness where Piper has so effortlessly added such vehement emotion and meaning.

The song itself is intense. It’s something that speaks its presence in an undeniable exclamation, whether or not others want to listen, the vibrancy and energy it permeates influence others to listen closely to the thorough and detailed message embedded in the song. It’s a burst of energy that could easily vivify those who are dealing with suppression and feeling caged. Piper Connolly’s voice is just another added instrument that further encourages the narrative– the heartening message. As I listen to the song, I can’t help but recognize how imperative the message of the song is. Especially for such a generation where many feel as though they are unable to fully express themselves and truly express who they are as a person. Many struggle to find things that resonate with them and most of it is due to the societal standards set in place. But, with songs that are so emotively crafted like this one, it can serve as a much-needed reminder to those who struggle with their self-worth and that immense relief we feel when we finally reclaim ourselves for who we are.

Piper Connolly is a rising American pop star who was born in Arizona. Piper mostly resonates with music that serves a blend of electric and a sound that is self-discovering as much as it is enticing and addicting. “Welcome Back Girl” is Piper’s fourth single release of the year 2024 which only demonstrates just how passionate she is about music, her innate musical talents for singing are undeniable and add charm to her songs which only further add sentiment to each of her songs. Piper is set on creating an inclusive and sincere community for all her devoted fans and supporters, striving to make music that resonates with others. Throughout her performances, it is clear just how dedicated and passionate Piper is with her love for music. As Piper continues to make and create music with her use of self-expression, I can’t help but anticipate more of her music. To keep up with Piper, follow her socials!

Written By Rosalyn Sanchez



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