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  • Giavanna Gradaille

Review: "Where Do I Lay All The Love I Have Left" - Anna Pancaldi

When you’ve experienced so much helplessness and defeat in love, it’s understandable to decide to close yourself off to it. Why allow yourself to be this vulnerable with others when it continuously ends in heartache? I and Anna Pancaldi, can certainly sympathize with this notion because we used to harbor it. But closing yourself off to love robs a person of the ability to emotionally grow and mature. Or as Pancaldi eloquently puts it, “if I don’t let the leaves fall then how will I / How can I grow”? Old habits die hard, especially if they were created to protect ourselves. But Anna Pancaldi’s “Where Do I Lay All The Love I Have Left” encourages listeners to uncover and share the love hiding within ourselves with the rest of the world.

“Where Do I Lay All The Love I Have Left” centers on being vulnerable enough to seek out love after closing it out of our lives for a period. The contemporary piano ballad sees Pancaldi rediscovering her own desire to know love again – to both love another and be loved. The single opens with mature piano notes as our artist provides listeners with an admission in the first verse. Within it, she divulges that closing herself off to relationships served her confirmation bias. The experience of living through insurmountable loss made self-isolation appealing. You can protect yourself while controlling others' interactions with you to minimize any pain (or the potential for pain). In the second verse, Pancaldi details how “keeping [our] heart closed” holds us back “from life”. We prevent ourselves from experiencing the most wonderful moments in life when we make the past the centerpieces of our own tables. This all builds towards a powerful chorus where Pancaldi gives listeners the most vulnerable admission yet. As the emotion rises in her voice, she informs listeners how “frightened” she is to open herself up to allow the love that still resides within a chance to be explored and shared. The following verse sees our artist openly embrace this adventure, even loaning herself and others in a similar emotional state reassurance by stating in our attempts “to make space for life”, being anxious is a natural part of this process. It’s a tell-tale sign of how much we’ve grown. Ultimately, “Where Do I Lay All The Love I Have Left” shows solidarity to those who have endured great losses while simultaneously encouraging them to keep themselves open to receive and share their love once again.

London-based singer and songwriter, Anna Pancaldi, has had an exciting 2023. Pancaldi is an established artist with three Top Ten’s in the singer-songwriter iTunes charts; toured in Europe, the U.K., and the U.S.; and has gained the support of Radio 1, 2, BBC 6 Music and BBC Introducing alongside amassing over 2.5 million streams on Spotify. And this makes her decision to reinvent herself and open a new chapter in her musical career even more exciting to see! “Where Do I Lay All The Love I Have Left” marks the beginning of a chapter filled with emotional vulnerability and visibility. To celebrate the latest release and her reinvention, Pancaldi will be performing live this Thursday, May 18th, at Folklore Hoxton. The sold-out performance begins at 7:30 P.M. - but for fans still interested in tickets, they can be placed on a waitlist here. If you’ve enjoyed Anna Pancaldi’s soulful disclosure as much as I have, show her some virtual love in the form of streams, likes, and follows.

Written by Giavanna Gradaille



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