We all have good days and bad days. On a good day, you find a wrinkled $20 bill in your jean pocket, or your Amazon Prime package may show up early. On a bad day, you oversleep and end up spilling your Grande Starbucks coffee all over those important sales reports. It doesn’t matter what happens on those bad days. Rather, the way you handle those unfortunate situations is more important. Before I listened to Beck Pete’s song “Romantic,” I thought it was going to be a love song about a person. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the song is actually about romanticizing life and taking its obstacles in stride.
Even though this song has a calm mood, it still starts off strong with a rich, velvety piano solo. The richness of this solo only intensifies when Pete starts singing with an equally rich and velvety voice. After the third verse, the tempo has a moment where it slows down, imitating a floating feeling. Throughout the song, Pete has addressed many unfortunate circumstances which include a car wreck and a broken heart. This change in tempo is a moment of reflection. It is valuable to reflect on your life during those not-so-perfect days because it can make you more appreciative of all the good times.
If you liked “Romantic”, Pete previously recorded a cover of the Sixpence None the Richer song, “Kiss Me.” She takes the upbeat pop tune and makes it her own by transforming it into a slow ballad-like song. Besides her vocals, the only other instrument Pete uses is a ukulele. Therefore, the listener gets the honor of hearing even more richness in her voice. Additionally, if you want to hear a different side of Pete, you should check out another one of her original songs called “Gently Break it.” Pete strays away from the calmness in “Romantic” and reflects on love using a melody with a much more gritter sound. She is a woman of many hats!
Written By Kelli Dixon