Self-worth. Pattern-breaking. Shadow work. Trauma itself has become a frequent topic of discussion, but what about healing from the painful wounds it creates? ‘Sunny Day After a Storm’ by Tripoli dives into the destabilizing effects of trauma and the realities of mental health after the incident occurs. “That shook me to my core; most my wounds have healed, but not those in my soul.” While we can’t completely eliminate trauma, we can learn to embrace it and love ourselves again. Continuing to press forward shows how resilient and powerful you are. For anyone struggling right now, I’m SO proud of you! Give yourself some credit!
Before the vocals come in, dissonances in the guitar chords brilliantly foreshadow the complexity of the subject discussed in the lyrics. “So much I could say but can’t work out a word.” This kind of mental marksmanship magnificently illustrates trauma responses like freezing and people-pleasing. The vulnerable, angelic harmonies of vocalists Misha and Jæk show that you can find the beauty within without having to search for external validation. An airy synth underscores the acoustic melody with an aura of serenity.
Tripoli is a five-piece, female-fronted band formed in Mexico City by Misha (vocals), Jæk (vocals), Javier (bass), and Crotter (drums/guitar). Founded in 2017, the group takes inspiration from artists like Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, and Rush. Their first album was released in 2018, which discussed themes like war and obsession. Recently, they collaborated to write three new songs dedicated to those who have struggled during the pandemic. ‘Sunny Day After a Storm’ is the second song in this trio of heartfelt pieces to be released. It has been confirmed that more material is coming soon! Go give this amazing band some love!
Written By Kevin Rodriguez